We aim to simplify the complex and amplify what’s most important.

From idea to complete identity we’re here to make thoughts a reality. Our Amsterdam-based design studio might just be the one you’ve been looking for. Care to have a chat?

Pssht, come and see

All Projects

Working together with various clients, including Beeld & Geluid, Mauritshuis Museum, Nortvi and University of Amsterdam – just a few of the brands we’ve worked with. Care to join the list? 👏🏻

Unveiling Qarry’s new company video, showcasing your electrified solution for local mobility. Helping local businesses with their challenges towards efficient, clean, and sustainable logistics. 🙌🏻

Thrilled to see the success of the sustainable travel gear brand Nortvi, for whom we designed the visual identity and web design back in 2019. 🔥 It continues to fill me with pride for having been a part of their journey.


What’s going on here at Objekt — A look inside our studio, collaborations, community, interviews, inspirations, playlists, etc. A collection of many things you could say. 👏🏻

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Photography by Iris Duvekot

Time for show & tell

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